In January We Edit

Trees down.  Holiday decor is back in the appropriate storage bins and all the presents are put away.  “AHHHH, I finally have my house back!”  If you too have uttered these words and delight in the absence of clutter, you get us.


What a perfect time to take stock in the items that you allow to fill up your space.  

But where do you start?  One great place is with the intentions you have set for yourself this New Year.  Your home is your haven and should function as such, supporting you and those lofty goals.  

Quality family time a top priority this year? Concentrate on the rooms where you gather.  Does your family room work for the way you want to use it?  If you are picturing a winter filled with warm, cozy movie nights or Netflix binging…comfy seating, soft throws, and some strategically placed occasional tables for your popcorn could support that.  Too many trinkets stealing attention away from the featured flick?  EDIT.  If you have trouble getting rid of things, store some decorative items away (maybe sort by season or an accent color) and cycle throughout the year what you choose to display.  The result will be decor pieces that shine and a cleaner, more purposeful look overall.    

Making better nutritional choices is a popular resolution. What better way to support that (personal chef aside) than with a thoroughly organized kitchen and pantry?  One big excuse for not eating healthy is lack of time to prep/cook.  If your kitchen is supporting you by being completely organized and stocked with only healthy options you are halfway there.  Save time by keeping like items together so you can always find that carrot peeler, measuring spoon of the tamper for your Vitamix.  Also, try to store items in a place near where you perform a specific function.  Coffee drawer under the coffee maker, knives and cutting boards stored near your prep station, tableware close to the dishwasher, etc.  Make healthy choices the star of your pantry.  Some beautiful jars filled with healthy toppings for your morning yogurt or cereal keeps it from being boring.  Beans also look more fun when displayed in matching containers and will remind you that a hearty pot of soup goes a long way.  Always on the go?  A section in your pantry with protein bars and healthy snacks ensures it’s not easier for you to grab a cookie!    

Or, maybe you’re hoping to finally get into that new exercise routine, create a space for it!  In the absence of holiday decor you have some bare square footage, so make it work for you.  That yoga studio you always dreamed of having in your house could simply be a corner where you place a decorative basket that holds your mat, blocks, blanket and essential oils (you are one step closer than if you had to go dig it out of the coat closet or your trunk!).  Also, be real, you don’t need a full fledged gym to do 1/2 hour of exercise a few times a week so maybe make it a zone instead. Try something as simple as a modern pegboard system placed above adjustable weights that holds smaller gym equipment like your resistance bands, exercise mat and that ab roller!    

As the saying goes “fake it til you make it”.  You can’t even pretend to have healthy habits if the space where you live is saying just the opposite.  Worst that could happen, you don’t stick to your resolutions and end up with an organized house.  And if that wasn’t one of your intentions, you’re welcome!       


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